Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Best

I thought I would share some fun statistics of my life since I have been here...

  • Number of camels offered for me - 50
  • Estimated weight gain by August - 70
  • Stairs walked daily - approximately a billion
  • Pictures taken - 2 billion
  • Miles walked daily - around 700 (give or take 2)
  • Sweat excreted - 20-30 Liters
  • Percentage of time exhausted - 97%
  • Days I have attempted to do my hair - .5
  • Times Scott has yelled "Ali, get back here!" - 5 per hour

So much to say!!! So Friday night we were able to go into the Old City and visit the Western Wall. It was the night before the Sabbath so cameras were not allowed but I wish I could explain the experience. We split into the men's and women's side and were able to go touch the wall. Then the girls began to sing and dance and the place turned into a huge celebration! We were in a series of circles and holding hands with all the Jewish women singing (mumbling) songs that we did not know. Then we left the female section and continued the dancing in the common area. There were tons and tons of Israeli soldiers around and they were asking for us to teach them how to dance. We didn't know what we were doing so they asked us to come dance in a big circle... they were holding very large guns so we had to say yes. We sang and danced and then they started RIDE THAT PONY!!! It was obviously not the same lyrics and was in Hebrew but was all the same dance moves that we do at girls camp. We were laughing and having so much fun. The boys in our group saw there was a party going on and were trying to get in, then they realized it was us! Don't worry mom.. our professors were all there and approved of the celebrating.

Scott and I have made a goal to go to the Garden Tomb every Shabbat. It's been a really neat experience and we are so blessed to be able to do that. I have learned that while the Spirit is strong in these holy places, I feel His love the most when I am sitting in sacrament meeting. Our ward here is great and it is fun to see how many local members there are. I was called as the visiting teaching supervisor and am excited to get going!

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MOM!!! And all other mothers, especially the ones who helped raise me. Mom, I was so happy to talk to you and I hope our other siblings slaved and waited on you hand and foot like I would have done. Sunday was a free day and we got to do whatever we wanted! We got a group together and went to a museum here of Jerusalem history that we needed for a class, we then went to West Jerusalem and did some exploring. We also spent time in the Jewish quarter of the city which is really nice and we found this amazing bakery which will easily double my weight.

Monday was a really cool field trip to Jericho! We got to see the spring and Herod's castle and learned a lot about the geography! Go ahead and ask me what the elevation of Jericho is... well I will tell you, it is 850 feet below sea level. We also stopped in the Judean Wilderness where Christ was tempted and the story of the good Samaritan takes place. While it was incredibly spiritual and a wonderful experience, it was hot. Rumor is that it will only get hotter, except while in Turkey.. that is supposed to be chilly.

Monday night was AMAZING! Israel's Independence Day!!! We got permission to stay out late and party with the rest of the city. Everyone met in West Jerusalem where there were concerts and dancing and silly string all over the place! People buy silly string and just spray it everywhere. I also got my favorite souvenir here. Yes, you all guessed it, a blow up sword. It - was - AWESOME! People get these huge blow up things and just start swinging them, it was hilarious to get in these battles with all the kids. Later that night there were fireworks and being the obnoxious group that we are, we danced and sang super loud and clapped for anything under the sky.

Headlamps = Awesome.

Today (Tuesday) we had class and then went through Zedekiah's Cave. It was fun to explore and run around and I got the chance to put my head-lamp to good use. I took it off in the city to avoid jealousy and everyone trying to rob me. We went back to the Bakery of Death (I am going to call it that from now on because of what it is doing to my cholesterol). Then we went to a overlook of the Western Wall. Here is something exciting!!! Paul Piper was here and we got to have dinner with him and visit with him! It was a really neat experience. Rumor was he was here to discuss allowing missionaries into Israel and we were able to ask him a lot of questions about that. He had lots of words of advice and he said that we need to work on our patience. He reminded us how blessed we are to be here and that we need to pray for this land. Elder Piper also said that he is convinced we will see more miracles in our lives than he has, and that is including the Berlin Wall which was a huge miracle. It got me really excited and gave us hope of one day being able to share the Gospel here.

1 comment:

  1. Ali!!! I just found your blog and I love it. Those are awesome pictures and your posts are great. I just want you to know that I am going to be living this experiece vicariously through you so keep it up and have fun! :)
