This was our first stop on the Jordan trip. Mount Nebo! Unfortunately it was really hazy that day but it was cool to be there. |
This is at Herod's Palace in Machaerus. It was this very place that John the Baptist was held and eventually killed. |
This place was so awesome!! I felt like Indiana Jones coming through and getting the glimpse of the Treasury. It is as amazing as it looks on the movie. They wouldn't let us go inside though... probably a fear of us getting our heads chopped off. I think people don't realize that there is so much more to this place then just the Treasury. We spent 8 hours here and that still didn't feel like enough. We took about a 40 minute hike to the Monastery which was also amazing. Did PLENTY of shopping, had a nice lunch, climbed to see some tombs and did some more shopping. We rode camels quite a distance and I was giggling like a little girl the entire time. We just kept laughing and yelling "I'm on a camel!" We got a video of us saying it over and over, super funny. We then took horses back up to the top where the buses were waiting for us. It was so much fun but incredibly hot. If it were any hotter it would have been... really hot.

Ok, funniest story. Scott was feeling a little ill when we first walked into Petra. So ill, in fact, that he let this nice man convince him to wear "Bedouin sunglasses"... happens to be the same thing most of us call "eye-liner." The rest of Scott's day was spent convincing everyone that it wasn't makeup. |
This is from the inside of the Monastery looking out. We are spelling Petra if you couldn't tell. |
This is my camel, adorable right? We named him Obama, I felt like I was going to fly off when he ran. Dad will be happy to know that I bought him and am bringing him home.
These are our teachers! From left to right is Judd, Muhlestein, and Chadwick. |
Shobak Castle. This castle had crazy caves and passage ways and tunnels and we were just able to explore for a while. |
This is the Citadel and Museum. Hercules' statue was here! More importantly, this is the place talked about in 2 Samuel 11. The battle was coming here and King David had stayed home instead of going to war. It was also in this very place where Uriah the Hittite was killed on orders by David. We were able to talk about the difference in the two men. Uriah was true to his principles, David obviously wasn't. I learned that no one is going to be watching over your shoulder all the time making sure you are doing what's right. We must make the good decisions on our own.

We just made a quick stop at this river, but it was one of my favorite stops on the trip. This is the Jabbok River. Jacob crossed this river and had quite the experience. Jacob was told to return home even though it was dangerous. Esau was there and was trying to kill him, but he went anyways. He sent all sorts of gifts and then divides his family in half. That must have been so difficult for him to know that he may never see his family again. He knew that his family could be killed, but he had faith in the Lord and was willing to follow the desires of the Lord. We can only have that kind of faith when we are willing to give up everything we have to follow Him.
We know it in the scriptures as Jershon. We had about two hours to explore all these ruins. It was really fun but one of the hottest days of the trip. It was amazing how large this place was. We saw a couple theaters, temples, and all sorts of cool stuff!
Scott played a few games of Thumb War with this boy who was trying to sell us gum. |
Another solid performance from Scott at Jerash. |
Love this skirt... but it has a mind of it's own in the wind. The best part is that this spot where I'm standing is exactly where the statue of Diana, the scandalous goddess, would have been. |
Scott was too embarrassed to get a picture with this man. There was a bagpipe player and some drummers giving us a little performance in the theater! It was awesome! |
We went shopping in Amman in a less-touristy area. Women like these two were every couple feet selling vegetables and all sorts of things. |

The Jordan River was probably my favorite stop on the trip. We were able to learn a lot about John the Baptist here. I guess I hadn't realized the lack of praise that John received, especially towards the end of his life. There was one scripture that even talked about how he knew he needed to decrease so that Christ could increase. Our teacher asked us what we could decrease so that Christ could increase in our lives. There are so many things that can get in the way of the important things, such as Christ. We also were able to talk about why Christ was baptized. 2 Nephi 31 tells us that it was to "fulfill all righteousness." Not everyone understands this, that the Savior did this to fulfill a commandment. There can be commandments or promptings in our life that we don't understand, but like Christ, we should do them anyways to fulfill all righteousness or simply show love to our Heavenly Father.
Get this... we saw a dove at the Jordan River. Coolest thing! It was a really neat experience. |
Overall, Jordan was amazing. I am learning so much I am worried my head will explode. I am so grateful to be here and learn all these wonderful things from such amazing teachers.